F. A. Training EURL au capital social de 1 000 € - SIREN 927.578.849 - 46300 Soucirac - France
+ 33 7 88 97 18 41 - info@f-a-training.com - copyright Bérengère Fayt - all rights reserved/tous droits réservés
As a professional in training and the equine sector - breeder, international judge and trainer - and more particularly in the world of the Arabian horse - for over 30 years, the many observations I have made around the world all point to the same needs for enthusiasts and underline the need to improve the quality of production and services, by strengthening the knowledge and skills of professionals and amateurs in all areas of activity.
For many years, my training activities were carried out through the company Humain avant tout, in Belgium and Europe. The development of my career has now led me to concentrate more specifically on horse-related fields, while continuing to offer the possibility of organising modules in the human field to order. I therefore needed to design a new structure to support this overhaul of my training activities. F. A. Training EURL was born!
F. A. Training was born of my deep belief in continuous, daily, insatiable and proactive learning and my desire to improve the efficiency, well-being and success of my peers.
Quality is my credo. As a passionate and determined woman, I've always been keen to make my dreams come true, through the missions I set myself and the commitments I make.
Today, I'm delighted to share these dreams with you!
In all my areas of activity, it's important to me to offer everyone, in all benevolence and as far as I can, to put together a chest full of concrete, simple, effective and lasting tools, to be used at every moment, whether professional or personal, for the full success of your projects and your achievements.
F. A. Training is the pleasure, each time renewed, of dedicating my hours to study, training, intervention, consultancy, supervision, to name but a few, because I know I am useful and effective, thanks to all your wonderful testimonials.
This is the path to success that I intend to follow, together, further down the road, through the training activities, services and support that I offer:
Bérengère Fayt, F. A. Training!