F. A. Training EURL au capital social de 1 000 € - SIREN 927.578.849 - 46300 Soucirac - France
+ 33 7 88 97 18 41 - info@f-a-training.com - copyright Bérengère Fayt - all rights reserved/tous droits réservés
Buying, selling, assessing the suitability for a discipline or for reproduction... you're making wonderful plans but, as always, there are risks involved that you can't always anticipate! My role is to protect you!
=> Does this horse meet your expectations?
=> What are its qualities and faults?
=> Is it really as perfect as the seller says?
=> Is everything in order for it to be imported or for the registration to be transferred?
=> Is the price right?
=> Is there anything hidden that I'm missing?
=> ...
On the strength of my experience, qualifications and skills, I will carry out a thorough and meticulous analysis for you of all the elements relating to the horse you want to buy, sell or use for a discipline and/or breeding. On the basis of my observations and the recommendations I make, you can take the right decision in complete peace of mind and safety !
Because there's no such thing as zero risk, choose a recognised professional to inform and advise you in complete confidence!
*** Bronze package: the basic package
*** Silver package: the basic package + the financial analysis of the operation
*** Gold package: the basic package + suitability for a discipline + the financial analysis of the operation + the risks analysis
*** Platinum package: on-site complete analysis (representation expenses excluded)
Take a look at the available packages and the price list for services: the four expertise packages, and contact me to discuss your project!
Together, further!
* Choosing the ideal sire for your mare
The ancients used to say: "It costs less to raise a good one than a bad one!"
The 2025 breeding season is approaching, choosing the right stallion for your mare is essential!
The right moment is before, after, it's too late!
Often, we choose a stallion "on the spur of the moment", based on beautiful photos, because he's nearby, etc. ... without a complete and in-depth analysis of all the aspects and complementarities. What may appear to be the right choice at the time, can wipe out 25 years of hoped-for happiness and cost so much money: accident to your broodmare, failure to conceive , abortion, foal euthanised at birth, foal sick for life, foal with a handicap or physical or mental defects, foal with a disastrous conformation or no potential for your discipline, refusal to register your foal, etc. Avoid all these hassles, costs and disappointments!
To support you, I have created a range of services of assistance in choosing the ideal cross and advice, for breeding the foal of your dreams, worry-free!
Complete assessment of your mare, assessment of potential stallion candidates, research, analysis of the health aspect, analysis of the financial aspect, analysis of the quality aspect of the services, risk analysis, supervision and complete management from breeding/insemination to 48 hours of life of your foal, all these services are available in a choice of 4 packages - Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.
A little effort before, for years of peaceful happiness!
Also available: complete sire assessment, to make it stand out from the crowd to your loyal and potential customers and ensure optimum service, for their complete satisfaction.
Click here to find out more about our assessment packages and all the information you need!
My expertise at your service: national judge for all breeds, ECAHO International B judge for Arabian horses, ECAHO Sport judge, conformation and gaits judge for young endurance horses, professional breeder for over 30 years, stallions’ manager, breeders and judge trainer and consultant.
Please, make contact for exchanging about your project and to find out how I can help you!
Together, further!
* Expertise for the purchase, sale, suitability to discipline and reproduction